How to choose the best:



First, look for a good strong husk protecting the corn, which should stick pretty tightly to the ear.

Below the husk, look for a nice firm cob, with plump kernels all around. Look out for any soft spots, which are a sign of what to avoid.


Look for a bright green color across the husk, and avoid any husks that are going yellow of brown. You’ll also want to keep an eye out for any small holes on the husk, which can be a sign of pests.

When it comes to the silk at tip of the husk, look for a nice gold color, and avoid anything that seems to be going brown or black.


Give a little sniff to the silk at the tip of the husk: you’re looking for a sort of sweet smell here.

Some more details:

When it's in season

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.