How to choose the best:


Look for a fruit with texture thats somewhat soft, but not so soft that it feels mushy at all. Theres a sweet spot there, and I'm sure that you'll know it!

Past that, look for a fruit that feels heavy for its size.


Colors definitely vary between varieties, but largely speaking, avoid green mangoes which are generally underripe — unless you're making a chutney!


Smell is a great signifier, so look for a mango with a nice floral smell emanating from it’s tip, which doesn’t seem overripe, sweet, or fermented whatsoever.

Some more details:

How to store

Once your mango is fully ripened, store it in the fridge for longest life.

If the mango needs to ripen it a bit more, you can awlays leave it out for a day or two until its good and ready.

When it's in season

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.