How to choose the best:


Give the bulb a squeeze — a tight head is a good sign. If it gives, and begins to break apart under pressure, the bulb is likely a bit dried out.

Look for a firm, plump bulb, which should feel heavy for its size, and be free of any damp spots.


Look for an unbroken, papery skin around the outside of the bulb.

Avoid any heads of garlic that seem to have green shoots emerging from them.

Some more details:

How to store

Store garlic in a cool, dark place, such as the inside your cabinets; outside of the fridge is best.

Garlic needs all the same conditions as do onions and shallot, so you’ll do well to simply store them together.

When it's in season

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.