How to choose the best:


A good watermelon should be heavy for its size, so go ahead and give it a toss in your hands to make sure that yours is. Remember: a dense melon, means that its packed with juice.


Look out for a big white-to-yellow patch on the bottom of the melon. The whiter, the better.

That means that the melon has had good and ample to mature on the ground before being picked, and will be extra sweet.


Give the melon a good thump with the side of your thumb. You should hear a deep, hollow sound, not a dull one. That means that it'll be nice and dense — and crisp when you eat it.

Some more details:

How to clean

If you are leaving it on the counter, do yourself a favor and give your melon a quick rinse in water with just a dash when of vinegar when you bring it home, to help avoid fruit flies later. Just make sure to dry it off well after!

How to store

Store your melon the fridge for longest life – especially if its already been cut open.

Watermelons don't mature anymore once they're off the vine, so there's no real need to leave it out to ripen any further once you get it home.

When it's in season

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.