How to choose the best:


A nice, firm strawberry is best — and make sure to look out for any strawberries that seem mushy at all.

Don’t worry too much about size though: some of the smallest strawberries are just as good as the biggest ones!


The color of strawberries can really vary from one variety to another, but look for ones that are uniform and avoid any that seem unusually pale.

A better metric, is to look at the leaves atop the berry, and make sure that those look to be fresh and vibrant.

Some more details:

How to clean

To clean your berries, dunk them in a big bowl of cold water spiked with a tiny bit of vinegar, and then give them a good swirl, being careful not to crush any. After that, make sure to get them very very dry!

How to store

Keep your berries in the fridge, they'll turn quick if left out!

For longest-life, wash them before you put them away, and make sure that they're absolutely bone-dry first. Moisture is the enemy here.

When it's in season

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

FYI: for this Fruit, its best to buy organic.